According to Stephen Hawking the microwave background predicts a hot dense state at the beginning of the universe.
Big collapse process theory states that a hot dense state always exists, within the subatomic particle accretion mass.

Professor Hawking readily admits that his calculations which support a singularity do not allow for the universe to begin, only what the universe will do once it is in motion. Big collapse process theory easily explains how the universe process creates the visible universe, and physics never break down, as they do in the big bang event theory.

In Hawking's own words: "The theory of relativity breaks down in the strong gravitational fields of the early universe. It has to be replaced by a more complete theory. Quantum theory is important when the universe is planck size, and quantum theory has to be taken into account."

Big collapse process theory says that the universe is never planck size, therefore quantum theory is not needed to rectify Einstein's equations in regards to the creation of the universe. The only place quantum theory needs to be rectified with relativity, is in the black hole body.