The main point of this entire website, is that just because it appears that galaxies are moving away from us, doesn't mean that they are.

The very real possibility that everything remains relatively where it was when the subatomic particle accretion mass collapsed in our local physical universe exists because of culmulative shrinkage of galaxies over time, producing the illusion that space between them is expanding. It is the same space as before, just less of it in galaxies and more of it between them.

Red shift is created because as spatial distance between galaxies increases, it takes a cumulatively longer time for light to traverse the same distance. The distance between all galaxies increases as black holes continue to accret matter.

Prediction: Galaxies start out much wider than they are today, and continue to shrink over time as the central black hole body eventually consumes everything within the galaxy. (Of course, galaxies can grow when two or more of them combine, but then they begin to shrink again)