Anti-Event Horizon: The interaction of the SPAM and the VU. Beyond the VU, it is not possible to see by any means, as the SPAM is a hot dense mass of subatomic particles.

Big Bang Event Theory: You know the theory. If not, check here.

Big Collapse Process Theory: The entire website is needed to understand this. 'Process' is used in place of 'event', as in the Big Bang Event Theory.

CRB: Cosmic Radiation Background (aka cosmic microwave background radiation) This is the same thing as the Anti-Event Horizon.

PU: Physical Universe inside the SPAM. It may or may not be visible from earth.

SPAM: Subatomic Particle Accretion Mass. SPAM is represented by white in the images, but since there are no photons nor space available for photons to move about inside the SPAM, there is no color whatsoever.

SPAM/VU interaction: Imagine a fuzzy sphere. The inside of the sphere is the PU, the outside of the sphere is the SPAM, and the sphere itself is the chaotic interaction between SPAM and PU.

VU: visible universe. This is what we can witness according to constraints of the speed of light. The PU may or may not be equal to the VU, but if it is larger, the PU encloses the VU.

Red Shift: Gives rise to the illusion of expanding space created by cumulative shrinkage of galaxies over time, via the mechanisms of hydrogen/helium conversion, black hole consumption of matter, and the distances between galaxies increasing over time as a result, making a longer relative journey for light between galaxies.

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